Montag, 28. Dezember 2015

Goodbye 2015, Hello 2016

I guess it‘s that time again. 2015 is coming to an end. For me this year went by so fast. I can‘t believe it is nearly 2016. 
I always like to take this time to look back at the amazing year I got to live. The ups and downs it might of had, the things I've learned or the people I've met. 
So why don't we start right at the beginning. 

February, was an exciting month. I got to go to Barcelona on an Exchange with my friends. I can't say it was the happiest trip I ever went on, because it had its downs but it was an experience I will not forget that fast. I learnt so much about the Spanish culture and that I was able to do this with one of my best Friends was amazing.
Not long after coming back from Spain, I was already sitting on a plane to China. I have a little more to say about China. I‘m not gonna lie, before going on that trip I was a little scared. I‘ve never come close to the Chinese Culture before and I don't have any friends that are from China so it was something totally different. 
This was one of the life changing trips I will experience in my whole entire life. Me as a 16 year old girl sitting on this little plane flying 11 hours across the world to a new place. I was lucky enough to have my brother as company but we lived in separate Chinese families. 
I‘m more open to the culture now and I understand it more. I tried food I never even dreamed of trying. This was really the highlight of my year. 

Before I knew it May came along. This month I spent a week in an adventure camp in Wales. I climbed, camped out and zip lined. It was a lot of fun and I loved it. 

In summer I spent 6 weeks in the most gorgeous place on earth. We visited Greece, like every year. This year was special because all my friends there won't see me next year but I‘ll talk about that a little later. 

October we visited Wales as a family. I went Mine climbing and white water rafting but I have a Blogpost about all that craziness. 

And now It‘s December already. I can't believe it. 
So what has 2016 got install for me?
Well this might be the biggest Year of my life yet. 
In July, I am leaving my family for one year and I‘ll be going to school in Costa Rica. I can already tell I will miss them terribly but it‘s a one in a lifetime opportunity and even though I won't have my parents right next to me watching me grow up, I will bring so much more home. 
And I know wherever I am I‘m never alone because if you love a person they are always with you. 
This will be the biggest step I will of had to take. That step out of your comfort zone. That step through the gate of the airport not looking back and closing your eyes and saying everything will be okay. That will be the hardest thing. 
I am so looking forward to all the adventures that are expecting me and I will write about it. All of you will be there too. 

So I don't really know what will happen next year. All I know is that it will be one of the most rememberable years of my life. 

Happy New Year 


Donnerstag, 29. Oktober 2015

Adventures In Wales

It‘s been a while again, I know but I‘ve been busy with school work and stuff and we‘ve just come back from our holiday in Wales. 
It was super fun and I did some things that I never expected to be doing. 
The first thing my Brother 'convinced' me to do is to walk up Snowden. 
Snowden is a mountain which is the highest point in Wales with 1.085m. It‘s located in the Snowdonia National Park. 
It took us about 7-8 hours to walk up and down. We walked about 9 miles. 
The views are absolutely breathtaking. It‘s a crazy feeling being above the clouds. That‘s the closet you‘ll be to heaven while living on earth. 
I‘m not going to lie, it was challenging and very steep at times but my brother looked out for me the whole way and we had breaks, which I demanded. Haha just kidding! :D

The next thing I wasn't expecting was a 5 hour tour in a old Mine.
It was crazy in there. We only had our headlights, so if we turn them off it would be pitch black. Kind of creepy but super exciting. We abseiled and climbed in the mine. I‘ll remind you it was dark and I couldn't see the ground and how far I had to climb down. 
We also zip lined and had a boat ride. It felt so weird being in the dark for 5 hours. 
It was definitely a once in a life time opportunity.

And of course there had to be one more crazy fun thing I did. White Water Rafting. It was freezing cold but the most fun I had this entire trip. Not much to say really, other than I had to hold on very very tight and I got absolutely soaking wet. 

I guess I enjoy challenging myself with new things :) 
Anyway, the last week has been great. Back to school on Monday. 
Have a wonderful week and you might have done or want to do some things that I did the past week. 
Byeeee xx

Donnerstag, 6. August 2015

Sun Rise Fun

I know it's been a while but I've waited for good things worth blogging about. 

My day started at 4am on the 3rd of August. My brother, I and 3 other girls wanted to watch the sun rise. We went to a place called 'Golden beach' on our bikes which took about 30 minutes. It was pitch black at this point. We started our climb up a mountain which has a castle on the top. The view from up there is magnificent so we couldn't even imagine what the sun set would be like. 
It took us about 1.20 hours to get up there as it was steep, dark and there's not a real path you can follow. 

Once we got up there we still had about 40 minutes before the sun started rising so we all had breakfast.

Once the sun started rising I was absolutely stunned. It was one of the most beautiful moments.

Once the sun was out we decided to make our way back down before it got too hot. 

About half way down there's a cave called 'Nestors cave'. It's also beautiful. 
We ended our trip very tired but happy. 

I can't explain what it felt like being up there on our own, no people, no noise. Just the crickets summing in our ears. 
One of the 10 things you have to do is watch the the sun rise from high up and while being sober haha ^.^ 

I wanted to share this moment with everyone.

Amie xx

Mittwoch, 3. Juni 2015

Road Trip Dream

What up peeps,
Let me tell you about a dream of mine.
I would love to go on a road trip one day. 
Not any road trip, I want to make my own. Buy a car, fold the back seats down and put a mattress in the back
My best friend and I have this big plan.
My dream Road trip would start in Alaska. I would stop in some cities that are on the way to Vancouver. Then I would spend a couple of days in Vancouver. 
From Vancouver I would just turn my navigation system off and see where I end up. 
I do want to stop in Idaho, California, New York and Texas. 
After I‘ve seen all the different states in North America my trip to Argentina will start. 
I‘ll drive through all the beautiful countries in south America.
We will spend nights camping out under the stars.
We will make memories!

My favourite book is called ‘Amy & Rodger‘s Epic detour' Its based on a real Road trip that starts in California and ends in Connecticut. Its a beautiful story.

Have you got any road trip dreams? 

Lifes not meant to be lived in one place.

Dienstag, 31. März 2015

The Great Wall Of China

Today I will share my experience on the great wall of china.
About 10 days ago I visited the Great Wall. 
It was beautiful, the journey there i slept because of jet lag which I am super annoyed about.
Once we got there our teacher aloud us to go in small groups.
I went with my two friends which was awesome because we laughed a lot.
It wasn't the warmest day which I was happy about, because we walked up to the 8th tower. 
While we walked up lots of chines wanted to take pictures with us. 
I think it was because we looked european or something. 
I had a great time. 

I feel so lucky for this opportunity to see China.
What teenage girl can say, that she has seen so many different countries and continents.
Beijing is just one city I will explore in my life. 
I was scared going on the trip and staying in a chines family, but it was totally worth it.
I am grateful for all the things my parents make possible. 
I think I will leave this post here, because I can't explain how great the wall is. I think everyone needs to see it for themselves before they can imagine how big it actually is.


Donnerstag, 26. März 2015

China |Day 3

Whaasss uppp, 

I want to start this blogpost by saying what I'm writing here is my opinion on Beijing and you might have a completely different opinion and that's great. The world would be boring if we all had the same opinion. 

Today was ankther exciting day.
We visited the Temple of Heaven which is beautiful. And I wrote my name in Chinese. The air here is very different though. It's very dry and my lips are turning dry. 
For lunch we had a Chinese burger which was...interesting. We also learnt some things about the forbidden city, which we're visiting tomorrow. 
After we got home, we went out for dinner. We went to this little restaurant which was different but nice. The chairs were nearly to the ground and it was very Chinese haha. 

I will end the blogpost here because I could go on and on for hours but I'm very tired and jet lagged. 

Have a wonderful week! 


China |Day 2


Hello Guys,
My day basically starts on the airplane. 
We just ate breakfast. We had egg with Potatoe bites. 

Once we finally arrived in China a bid picked us up and took us to the first school where the family's of younger children waited to pick the younger half of our group up.
By this time I've been awake for 24 hours and I was so tired. 
Then the bus took forever to take us to the Gymnasium 177. We were welcomed very nicely and then went home with the families. 
My family is very nice. For dinner we had rice with soup. I didn't eat a lot might be because it took forever because they only had chopsticks and I don't know how to use them. 
I was so tired so I just went to bed early. 
I wanted to talk to my friends for a while put at 7pm I fell asleep, which was a big mistake. At 12pm I was awake again and couldn't sleep. Then I finally fell asleep but woke up at 4am again. 
Now I am very tired. It's 2am in the morning at home and the jet lag is kicking in. 

My first day was exciting and sleepy! 
