Donnerstag, 6. August 2015

Sun Rise Fun

I know it's been a while but I've waited for good things worth blogging about. 

My day started at 4am on the 3rd of August. My brother, I and 3 other girls wanted to watch the sun rise. We went to a place called 'Golden beach' on our bikes which took about 30 minutes. It was pitch black at this point. We started our climb up a mountain which has a castle on the top. The view from up there is magnificent so we couldn't even imagine what the sun set would be like. 
It took us about 1.20 hours to get up there as it was steep, dark and there's not a real path you can follow. 

Once we got up there we still had about 40 minutes before the sun started rising so we all had breakfast.

Once the sun started rising I was absolutely stunned. It was one of the most beautiful moments.

Once the sun was out we decided to make our way back down before it got too hot. 

About half way down there's a cave called 'Nestors cave'. It's also beautiful. 
We ended our trip very tired but happy. 

I can't explain what it felt like being up there on our own, no people, no noise. Just the crickets summing in our ears. 
One of the 10 things you have to do is watch the the sun rise from high up and while being sober haha ^.^ 

I wanted to share this moment with everyone.

Amie xx