Dienstag, 30. Dezember 2014

Goodbye 2014, Hello 2015

Hey you!

Can you believe that it is already the end of 2014? I can‘t.
2014 was a great year, but I am planning to make 2015 even better.
I do have some favourite things that happened in 2014.
One of them was doing exchange with a school in London in February. I met one of my closest friend on the trip. After the trip we met up again and went to the One Direction 'Where we are' concert. I loved that day so much. It was on the 7th of june and I laughed so much. It really was a moment I won't forget that fast. That I can share this memory with Emily is really nice. 

I also got to go to the Robbie Williams concert with my Mum in June. I loved it, we had a very special mummy daughter day! 

2014 was also a special Year for my family. My parents decided to get married after being engaged for 21 years. It was a magical day. Even I let a tear slip. 

Of course I also started to use my blog in March and I want to say a massive thank you to everyone who has read this and lived my year with me. 

Those were just some of the amazing things I got to do this year.

I have a weird feeling that 2015 will be even better.
My year will start with a trip to Barcelona in february and a trip to China in march. 
It is scary flying to China without my parents but like i said before I am going to say yes to more things and accept a challenge.
I‘ve also got a trip to Croatia coming up with my family. 

My life is going pretty well and I am so lucky to have the opportunity at such a young age to see so many countries and to get to know so many different cultures.

I am excited to see what else 2015 has in store for me.
I am sure 2015 will have his up and downs but I‘m going to live for the ups and deal with the downs. 
I am very lucky with my family and specially  with my brother, I want to share every moment of 2015 with them.

I hope you all have a great new year and remember tomorrow is the last day ever of  2014 so why don‘t you remind someone how much they have meant to you in 2015, mean to you at the end of the year or will mean to you for a long time. 

Love you all 

I‘m just a girl behind a computer screen sharing whats in my head and this Blog has become apart of ‘my Story‘
I will be able to look back at this.
I am sure each and every single one of you have their own individual special Story.
Why don't you make yours a bestseller and accept challenges, live for the moment and not the future

Dienstag, 23. Dezember 2014

Merry Christmas 2014

Hello all youuuu people,

I wanted to wish you a very merry Christmas! 
Hope you had a wonderful year and are enjoying the rest of it. December was so busy for me. I spent one weekend in London which was cool. Tomorrow I am going to relax and have a nice family day. On the 25th my family and I will watch Frozen in 3D. You can never get enough of Olaf. 

Anyway merry Christmas everyone and enjoy every moment you have with your family. 

I made some cupcakes earlier. I got the decorations from Tesco. 

Love all of you 

Amie xx 

Montag, 1. Dezember 2014

20 Favourites Update

round about March this year I did a Blogpost called 20 Favourites. I have decided to do a updated version just because it has nearly been 9 months and people change. 

Favourite Actor: jeez I can't just say one, so i‘m going to say a Couple. Zac Efron, Lucy Hale, Troian Bellisario and Ian Harding. 

1) Favourite Book: Probably still The Fault In Our Stars 

2) Favourite Boyband: Yes, of course One Direction

3) Favourite Male Singer: ED SHEERAN *-*

4) Favourite Female Singer: Taylor Swift, Lucy Hale 

5) Favourite Disney Movie: Obviously HSM and ‘Do you wanna build a snowman?' FROZEN

6)  Favourite Country: Costa Rica (haven't been)

7) Favourite YouTuber girl: Zoe Sugg (Zoella 280390)

8) Favourite YouTuber boy: Caspar Lee, Marcus Butler

9) Favourite Song: Night changes, Thinking Out Loud and BLANK SPACE

10) Favourite Animal: Koala 

11) Favourite Celebrity: Niall Horan

12) Favourite TV Program: PRETTY LITTLE LIARS

13) Favourite Colour: Mint Blue

14) Favourite Disney Character: Olaf

15) Favourite Pretty Little Liars Sentence: Don‘t look at me, I‘m ready to hang a sign 'Bitch can see'

16) Favourite ‘A‘ message: Ever wonder what‘s going on when your back is turned? -A

17) Favourite Ship: Ezria, Spoby, Haleb, Zalfie

18) Favourite Pick Up Line: Can I tie your shoe, because I don't want you falling for anyone else 

I can't think of anything else to be honest 

Have a lovely Christmas with your friends and family
Byee xx

November Favourites | Quotes And Loving

Hey You,
It‘s that time again, yes for another favourites.
I haven‘t done one in so long because my favourite things don‘t change that often.
But here I am with my December favourites.

I have been loving the Candle ‘Let‘s Glow‘ from Zoellas Beauty range. It smells so nice and just gives my room a special little touch. I‘ve also been loving yes, loving the body Lotion from her Range.
I‘ve also been loving my hat. It‘s a black one and it says ‘Bad Hair Day‘ on it, I LOVE IT 
Since it‘s December and I am aloud to listen to christmas songs and feel all festive, I do have some Christmas favourites.
I love my PJ‘s they are so cute. It‘s a red top that says ‘Meet me under the Mistletoe‘ which is super cute and red Scottish style trousers.
Last weekend my room got redone so my room is definitely in my favourites. Now it is a mint blue colour with super cute lights which I can change the colour of :D
I have been listening to Mistletoe from Lucy Hale non stop. It‘s a perfect feel good song and I love the lyrics. PERFECT LOVE STORY
Yes, I have done a lot of loving!

This year I have been loving the quote/sentence ‘Life is a story. Make yours a bestseller‘ 
It is nearly 2015 so let the ending of the chapter 2014 be a perfect one.

Have a lovely December with your family and loved ones!

Amie xx

Donnerstag, 9. Oktober 2014

Pretty Little Liars

Hey chumps,
About 3 weeks ago my friend stayed over for the whole weekend.
we didn't really know what to watch in the evening so our friend gave us Pretty Little Liars season 1.
We were absolutely hooked on it, we watched it all weekend. 
We finished the season.
Of course I had to go out and buy season 2 straight away, it was sold out everywhere :(.
I bought it about 2 weeks ago and finished it, I am now watching season 3.

What I love about Pretty Little Liars is the real life edge to it. For example Aria‘s mum and dad got divorced or the fact that Aria has a huge crush on her teacher. On that note i‘d just like to say I SHIP EZRIA SO HARD!!!!! 

I really love the cast. I probably have to say Lucy Hale and Ian Harding are my favourite.
I normally don't watch things that have a scary edge to it, but I love the fact that I am creeped out after watching it.
My favourite scene so far was in season 2 episode 25 where Ezra came to Arias dance and said he can't stay away from her and the dance, where Ezra said he wants to see her. BEAUTIFUL scene *_*

There were scenes that left me shocked :O 
I mean how can that person be A :O 
No worries I won't spoil hehe

Anyway let me know what you think if you are watching Pretty Little Liars and are as obsessed like I am.
I am going on holiday monday and super excited for that.

Have a lovely weekend 
Amie xx

Mittwoch, 17. September 2014

Weekend At the Beach

Hello Everybody,
Last weekend my friend and I just wanted to get away. So we had a short weekend trip to the beach. 
We had a lovely time, we took so many pictures. 
The water was quite cold so we did not go in but our feet did. I think I have never laughed this much in 2 days. 
We left Friday at 8pm and got to the campsite at around 10pm. 
The the next day we just had fun. In the evening there was a "party" so we decided to go along and see it was kind if funny we were the youngest there. Late that night we went to the beach again it was pitch black so we decided to play a game. One person goes and hides the other has to turn around and get disy then the person has to find the other one. It was really funny and scary. 

Sunday we had to come home again :( 

It was a lovely short trip.

Have a nice rest of the week 

Amie xx

Montag, 25. August 2014

After Shower Routine

Hello Everybody,
Today I am going to share what I do after the shower to get ready.
I hope this gives you some tips on what you can do or Just is fun for you to read what I do. 
I wash my hair every second day and twice a week I put a conditioner in. 
All the things I use for my hair or body isn't that expensive so it's perfect for people who are in school or at UNI.
So let's get cracking. 

First thing I do is brush my hair through, because I have quite a lot of thick hair and this sometimes is very challenging. When I was younger I came across a spray which I still use because it's amazing! 

I love this stuff sooo much and it's not expensive. 

The next thing I normally do is my Body lotion. I use the vineyard Peach body lotion from the Bodyshop this stuff is just amazing. Hands down the best I've tried. 

After I normally start on my face. 
I start of my cleansing it with The bebe young care cleanser. 

Then I moistorise my face with the Clarins Daily Energizer Cream. Yes this is a bit more expensive but it's works miracles. 

Lastly but not least I use the lip butter or lip balm. I change constantly but at the moment my favourite is the Body shop peach one. 

I hope this gave you some inspiration or joy to read. 

Hope you have a lovely week. 
It's my birthday tomorrow so I am superrrrr excitedddddd 🎈🎉☺️

Amie xx 

Donnerstag, 7. August 2014

Things I want to do/achieve before I die

Hello Everyone, 
Today I am going to talk about my bucket list. 
I want to achieve things in life before I die, things that mean a lot to me. So here is my list of things to do before I die. 

1. I want to have my own little family I can come home to. Seeing my husband teach our little boy how to look good for the girls or seeing him play princess with our little girl. That's the most important thing. I want to see my kids grow up with grandparents that spoil them so much. I want to see my own kids become adults. 

2. My friend Emily and I sat on a beach one night and talked about our future, what our husbands or our children would look like and we promised our selfs that, once we have found the right guy we would come right back to this Beach with both our husbands and laugh about what we imagined them looking like. 

3. I want to finish school and work with disabled children. 

4. My dream is to spend one year over sees and I think it might actually happen soon, which is exciting. 

5. I want to see the world. I have been very lucky with my life. since I was born my parents have traveled, so I have seen quite a lot of the world. Actually it seems like a lot to me but if you think about it, it's only a tiny bit of what there is to see. 
I will never see the whole world but I would like to see what I can. 

6. I know this one is a bit weird but I would love to see my brother become a Doctor.  He is planning on becoming one and I would he the proudest little sister in the world if I can send people to him.

7. This one is random haha but I've always wanted to fly first class haha.

8. I definatley want to go on a hot air ballon once in my life. 

I'm only young so this all that I have for now but I am sure that over the years this list will grow. 

I like to live in the present. I like to enjoy things while they last and not worry about my future too much. I know that it's important but I want to enjoy it.
You're only every age once. 
I always worry too much and my motto at the moment is simply this 
Today was the tomorrow you worried about yesterday. 

Peace out enjoy life and live the adventure boom 

Amie xx

Freitag, 1. August 2014

Big Dreams, Little Dreams

Hey you, 

Let's talk about dreams. 
Do you have a dream? Of course you do, everyone has a dream. 
I have a dream too, actually I have more than one. 
The fact that I know my dreams will not come true right now is sad but I won't give up dreaming. 
One dream of mine was actually going to come true but today it failed once again. I hate the feeling knowing that you'll have to wait again. 
My biggest dream is my most important one, it's not a dream like meeting a popstar, I am not going to share my biggest dream because it's so important to me and nobody knows it. I think someone would be lost without having a dream. 
Sometimes I just like to close my eyes and imagine what it would be like, when my dream comes true. 
I have this made up world in my head which is perfect and I know it's jut made up but sometimes I like to think about it happening right now.
Disney taught me to never give up on my dreams and I won't because I know that if I work hard enough everything is possible. 

~laughter is timeless, imagination has   no age and dreams are forever~ 

If I have a bad day I just take a journey to my imaginary made up world. 
I do feel worse after but I feel better at the time I'm there. 

Wow this was a deep post but you know it's good to be serious from time to time.

Have a lovely start to August. 

Amieee xx 

Montag, 21. Juli 2014

Fun In The Sea

Hey Everyone,

I'm on holiday at the moment :D yayyy
It's so nice and warm here in Greece. A couple of weeks ago I wrote down 10 things that I would like to achieve this summer and said I'd blog about it, so yes here I am blogging about the first thing. 
Because I am in Greece right at the sea I have been swimming a lot but today was the best Swimm I have ever had. We left really early in the morning with a picknick on our boat. 
We anchored in front of a little island, there we swom and had a lot of fun. I snorkelled and dived. 
I only have 4 weeks left. I wish this holiday would last forever. I've met the nicest people and had so much fun. I can't even imagine what surprises are still on my way. 
Friday my parents got married, yes after 21 years they thought it was time. The day was magical but that's another story. 

Hope all of you are having an anazing holiday. 

 Byee xx

Freitag, 27. Juni 2014

YouTube Culture

Hey you,
Today I have decided to share my thoughts on a topic that I think lots of teenagers will know about.
YouTube Culture. I have watched lots of Videos about YouTube Culture for example from Alfie (PointlessBlog), Louise (SprinkleOfGlitter) and I wanted to share my thoughts about it.
Yes I think it is perfectly okay to 'idolise' a YouTuber or a Pop Star as long as you keep in mind that you don't really know them. Lets start of with YouTubers. You might sit there Idolising a YouTuber who does Daily Vlogs and you might really love him/her but you only see 10-20 minutes out of their day. Yes of course I idolise people for example Zoe (Zoella280390) I think Zoe is teaching and has taught me so much in the past about hair, make up, healthy skin and just life in general. I idolise her for what she has achieved in life not because she is so amazingly pretty and I want to look like her. I think, like I said, she teaches me a lot and generally is just a down to earth nice young girl.
I also love family Vloggers, lets say The Shaytards. I love to watch them and seeing Shay bring up his children being happy but that doesn't mean I would do everything he does. I do Idolise what shay has achieved on Youtube it is incredible and I love his family but that doesn't mean I have to go round dressing my kids like he does when I am older. Next thing I want to talk about is 'change' I think you don't‘t have to change your image for people to notice you. You should be yourself. You don‘t have to wear all the merchandise for a YouTuber or Pop Star to love you. 
Pop stars. I wouldn't say that I idolise a Pop Star, of course I am crazy about one but that doesn't mean i think everything he does is good. For example the lads from One Direction. Yes I love them all a lot but I wouldn't do everything they do. A couple of weeks ago the news was full of Louis Tomlinson and Zayn Malik smoking joints. Okay I don't think it is good what they did and I don't Idolise that side but I do still love them. They are just young ordinary lads. I think you can Idolise a Pop star if you Idolise the side you know. Normally it is the 'clean cut' side they show online and it is perfectly fine to idolise that. But then again I wouldn't like my Kids Idolising Miley Cyrus. 
Oh my god this is such a hard topic to talk about.

Anyway this is just what I think. This doesn't mean you have to agree with me.
I wrote this Blogpost about 10 times but I‘ve never published it because it is such a hard topic to talk about. I think I have used the word Idolise a lot and it doesn't even make sense. I might not even Publish this.

Hope you are having a lovely weekend

Amie xx 

Dienstag, 24. Juni 2014

June Favourites

Hello Everybody,
Here at last another favourites. 
Sorry it's not every month but my favourites don't chang every month.

Let's start of with 'beauty things' 
First thing I've been loving is the Body butter 'peach' from the bodyshop.
I bought it last year before summer and thought it was a perfect summery smell. 
The lip Butter in peach from the bodyshop is amazing too. 
For my face I've been loving Clarins morning cream. It gave my face such a fresh feeling in the morning. 
If you've read my earlier blog posts you know that I've recently been to London to see One Direction. In London I bought The Tanya Burr lip gloss 'first date' since then I've been obsessed with it.
Earlier this month I was looking for some nail polish that doesn't come off that easily because I'm going on holiday in 2 weeks, it'll be a beach holiday. I came across a nail polish from  'Isa Dora' it feels really smooth on the nails and I love it so much it lasted me all month and I don't have one chip yet, it's expensive for nail polish but totally worth it. 

Now some of my random favourites
I've been absolutely Obsessed with the Saccone-Jolys on YouTube this month. I watched every video, so check it out. 

My favourite movie this month was obviously The fault in our stars because you know who doesn't love it. 
I've also been loving Greek yoghurt with honey and strawberries. 
The last thing I've been obsessed over as soon as It came out was Ed Sheeran's new Album 'X' it's amazing!!! So check it out!!!! 

Hope this gives you some inspiration of trying some new things. 

                            Byee xx 

Mittwoch, 18. Juni 2014

Alfie Deyes (10 things I'll do this summer

Hello Everyone,
Some of you might know a man called Alfie Deyes. On YouTube he's known as PointlessBlog. 
He recently uploaded a video of 25 things he wants to do this summer. He is going to take a picture of every single thing he accomplished. 
He told all of us to join in. 
So of course I'm going to give it a go. I have decided to only do 10 things though. 
If I manage to do one thing I will blog about it. 

So my 10 things are:

1) Scuba Diving 

2) Have a massive water fight

3) Read a book because you know I have no school so I'll have to do something cleverish  'Lols'

4) Swimm in the sea

5) Sleep on the beach and watch the sun      rise 

6) Drive a boat. 

7) Go for a long walk up the mountain to Nestors cave.

8) Try food that I haven't before. 

9) Sit on the beach and watch the stars. 

10) My last thing is basically one that is for the whole summer. I just want to have fun and enjoy having no school. 

  I hope you are looking forward to you're summer as much as I am.

Amie xx 

Sonntag, 15. Juni 2014

The Fault In Our Stars Movie

Hello Everyone,
I went to the Cinema yesterday and watched The Fault In Our Stars.
After reading the book I had very high expectations and I think the movie turned out really good.
Of course they changed it a bit, because they can‘t leave every little detail in.
The Actresses and Actors made the movie real. Shailene Woodley played her role has Hazel-Grace Lancaster very well. She showed her emotions and made her role come across real like it is really happening, her  boyfriend is going to die.
In the book Augustus Waters came across as a cheeky young handsome guy who could have any girl. Ansel Elgort played Gus very well. He had that sort of charm that every girl wants.
I‘m so happy that they left all of the quotes in, they mean even more to me now.
All in all it was a very good movie. The whole Cinema was in tears. The music they chose for the movie sounds like normal music but if you actually listen to the words that they are singing it really does mean something.
Once I got home I read the book again. I‘m still reading it but for some weird reason I am reading it differently. Maybe because I 'Know' what they look like or because I read every quote in a new way.
I will never get bored of this story.

I hope you enjoyed the movie as much as I did.
Amie xx 

Mittwoch, 11. Juni 2014

Weekend in London seeing One Direction

Hello Everyone,
On Friday one of the best weekends of my life started. 
After school my parents brought me to the airport and I flew to London to stay with my friend. 

I got picked up from the airport and was reunited with my English chummy.

On Saturday morning I woke up at 5am I'm not to sure why but I think it was because of my excitement of seeing One Direcrion that day. 
We took the tube to a shopping centre and went shopping all morning. 
After our shopping we just had to get a Nanods ☺️ 

After our Nandos adventure we took the Tube to Wembey Stadium. It's huge! 

We waited outside until they opened the doors to let us in. We met so many nice fans outside. 

Because it was a last Minuit decision to fly over we didn't have seats right at the front but it was still awesome. 

First 5sos came on they were cool too. 
When One Direction came on I literally nearly died OMG they were so perfect 😍

The boys were so proud you could really see how happy they were to be in Wembley. 


After the concert Liam Tweeted this picture which didn't help haha I had no voice after the concert. IT WAS SIIICKKKK 😱😍

On Sunday I flew back home just thinking.. all of that was a dream. It was a dream come true and I can't thank my Dad enough for making it come true I love him! Xx 

                                                                    Amie xx

Donnerstag, 5. Juni 2014

9 Summer Weekend Ideas

Hey Everyone,
Today I'm going to share some of my Ideas I do on the weekends as soon as the sun is shining.

I get up in the morning put some hot pants & tank top on and go for Ice cream.

Get all the the empty bottles, water bombs, water pistols you have and let the fight begin.

Sit in the sun with a cocktail (non Alcohol) and get a nice tan.

Let's go to the beach beach.. 
Have some fun on the beach with your friends.

Girls evening under the stars.
You're going to need blankets, Chocolate, drinks and some good friends. 

Go swimming with your friends or family.

If you're an internet addict just try and take your laptop outside.. It's a start.. 

if you're like me, you like watermelon so get some and eat it. 

Just have fun and be crazy. 

                                                              I hope you like some 
                                                                     Of my Ideas
                                                                          Amie xx

Donnerstag, 22. Mai 2014

Robbie Williams Concert

Hey guys,
Yesterday I went to Robbie Williams swings both ways concert with my mum.
We left the house at about 5.30pm. We met up with friends who went too. We took the train to the O2 world. 

He started singing at about 8.15pm.
His voice live is even better. 
It was literally a great show. Robbie made his sense of humor come across great like always. He really is one of a kind, a real legend.
Robbie's father also joined him on stage, I can only say father like son both of them  have mind blowing voices.
You could really see how proud Robbie is of his daughter and his wife which is nice to see. It's nice to see that he has settled down.

Robbie ended his show with 'Angels' and 'let me entertain you'

It definatley was a mother daughter day I won't forget that fast. 
Seeing a real legend like that really is something. 

                                               Hope you are having a wonderful week.

                                                                         Amie xx

Sonntag, 11. Mai 2014

"That sort of friend"

Hey Everyone,
Today I'm going talk about a topic that everyone has in their life.
Often we are put in to a role especially in school. There's that cool kid that popular or even loser kid. The popular kid might have loads of friends but are they real friends? 
A real friend is there for you no matter what, if you break up with your boyfriend or even if you get in to trouble. Popular kids might just be popular because they are dating the fittest guy in school and as soon as she/he gets dumped is the kid still popular? 
I think everyone likes to be something they are not but I say just be happy with yourself, you'll have loads more REAL friends if you are yourself. 

So take that chance and be yourself!

                        Byee xx

Freitag, 2. Mai 2014

Just say yes

Hello everyone,
This year I'm going to start saying yes to more things.
Zoe Sugg a famous youtuber (Zoella280390) taught me a very good lesson. I started watching Zoe about one year ago and she taught me a lot about make up, life and to just say yes to new things. I'm the kind of person that doesn't like to go out of my cumpfert zone and Zoe taught me how to try new things out. I say yes to so many opportunitys then I use to, I speek in front of my class and don't care as much as I use to of what they think. She really has helped me.
So just say yes. It might change your life like it changed mine. 

                          Byee xx

Samstag, 26. April 2014

April Favourites

Hello everyone,
This blog post is a little earlier than normal but I'm going on holiday tomorrow so I wanted to get this up before.

This month I've been trying out all kind of new stuff.
Let's start with make up.
I've really been loving the Tanya Burr lip gloss in Auroa and the nail polish in be bright be happy. 

I've also started to love the Matt foundation from P2. 
Baby lips is another thing that I've used a lot this month.
The next one is kind of random but I've been drinking a lot of Lemon squash this month.
Easter was last week and I tried some salty chocolate which sounds disgusting I know but trust me it was so nice. 

I know I said I've been trying lots of new things but I'm not sure if they make it on my favourites list yet. 

                         Amie xx

Donnerstag, 24. April 2014

Amy & Rodgers Epic Detour

Today Im going to tell you a bit about one of my favourite books.
Amy & Rodgers Epic Detour is about a young girl called Amy (What a surprise haha :D)  a tragedy has happened in her family, because of this tragedy that happened she is now moving. Unfortunately she isn't willing to drive at this stage and so with the help of a family friend named Rodger they end up going on this road trip across the USA together. Amy and Rodger decide to take a little Detour on the way. Rodger shows Amy how to have fun and enjoy life again. They do all crazy things together. Rodger changes Amy in a good way, she starts taking risks again and overcomes her biggest fears. Amy had her own language with Rodger they "spoke" through music.

I really loved this book not just because it is exciting and different, it also shows how one thing can change your life. And there will come a time you have to leave a person you love in life but like the book says it will be okay. Only time can heal.
The Author of the book actually took that Detour so it is kind of based on a true story.

I recommend this book to everyone who likes reading light hearted books but also likes a little Drama at some points.

Amie xx 

Sonntag, 6. April 2014

Cookie Monster Cupcakes

Hello Everyone,

I stayed over at a friends house on Friday and we made some Cupcakes!
It was a lot of fun. We also watched two movies The Lucky One and Charlie St.Cloud.
The Cupcakes didn't turn out brilliant though...we‘re gonna need some practise on that!
So my weekend was great!

                                                    Hope you had a lovely weekend too
                                                                         byee xx

Dienstag, 1. April 2014

March Favourites

Hello Everyone,

I‘ve decided to start doing monthly favourite blogposts. Maybe it will give you some Ideas of what to buy and try. I love to try new things so if you think I‘ll like something let me know :D

The first thing I‘ve been loving in march is quite a random one but I really love the Nandos mild sauce at the moment.
I have also been loving the Oreo Krushem from KFC.
M &M‘s are also on my favourites list this month.
This month I‘ve been drinking a lot of orange juice too so It has to be on my favourites list.
I‘ve been shopping a lot this month because of my trip to London and I went in to so many shops that I‘ve never been in before or haven't been in for a long time.
I visited the Lush store which i am now obsessed with. I‘ve also visited Gilly Hicks and Superdrug for the first time and I love them both.
Of course I had to go in to Primark since I haven't been in there for so long.
I‘ve also been obsessed with the Frozen songs ( Let it go Let it goooo...) sorry i got a bit carried away there haha

                                                I might do a haul on what I bought.

                                                                    byee xxx

Montag, 31. März 2014

Exciting Things I‘ll Never Forget

Hello everyone,
Today I‘m going to talk about some exciting things that have happened in my life.

The first point I‘d like to start with was probably the best. I‘ll never forget the day I went to the One Direction Take Me Home tour. It was on the 12th of May 2013. I danced a lot and sung. The next day I had no voice in school (oops). I like to say that Niall looked at me but obviously all the girls will say that.

The next thing that I will never forget is Scuba Diving with my brother the first time.
I was 12 when i Scuba dived the first time. It was with my brother and I‘ll never forget the proud look on his face. Now I‘m a Advanced open water Scuba Diver and I‘m a very proud sister because I can call my brother a master Scuba Diver which is amazing!

I also loved the time I visited friends in Greece. I was 13 at the time and felt very grown up that my parents allowed me to fly and visit friends on my own. I loved every second of it. I sat on the beach got tanned and played with the cutest most adorable little Princess one can imagine. 

So many more things have happened in the past. There are too many to write down so I picked the ones that stand out the most to me.

Yeah my life so far was pretty amazing and i can‘t wait to see what life still has in store for me<3. 

Byee xx

Samstag, 29. März 2014

20 Favourites

Hello Everybodyyy,
I thought I‘ll let you guys in on some of my favourite things at the moment.

1) Favourite Actor: Zac Efron.

2) Favourite book: The Fault In Our Stars

3) Favourite movie: Charlie St.Cloud and The Lucky One

4) Favourite Boyband: ONE DIRECTION <3

5) Favourite Girlband: Little Mix

6) Favourite male singer: Jason Derulo and Shane Harper

7) Favourite female singer: Taylor Swift and Bridget Mendler

8) Favourite Disney Movie: Frozen and High School Musical

9) Favourite Country: England

10) Favourite girl Youtuber: Zoe Sugg (Zoella280390)

11) Favourite boy Youtuber: Joe Sugg ( ThatcherJoe) Alfie Dyes ( Pointlessblog)

12) Favourite song: Midnight memories, Half a heart and Trumpets

13) Favourite animal: Dolphin

14) Favourite eye colour on a boy: BLUE *_*

15) Favourite make up brand: Mac

16) Favourite Mascara: Maybelline Jade the Colossal Volum‘ Express

17) Favourite Celebrity boy: Niall Horan

18) Favourite Disney Channel TV program: Disney Violetta

19) Favourite crisps flavour: Salt and Vinegar

20) Favourite colour: blue

                                                                           Byee xx

Samstag, 15. März 2014

Trip to Greece

Hey everybody, 
On the 28th of february we flew to Athens. We rented a car in Athens and drove to Navarino.
The weather was nice and sunny. 
we spent 10 days there. Then we drove back to Athens. Athens was an adventure I‘ll never forget.
Had a lovely holiday. 

Byee xx