Donnerstag, 7. August 2014

Things I want to do/achieve before I die

Hello Everyone, 
Today I am going to talk about my bucket list. 
I want to achieve things in life before I die, things that mean a lot to me. So here is my list of things to do before I die. 

1. I want to have my own little family I can come home to. Seeing my husband teach our little boy how to look good for the girls or seeing him play princess with our little girl. That's the most important thing. I want to see my kids grow up with grandparents that spoil them so much. I want to see my own kids become adults. 

2. My friend Emily and I sat on a beach one night and talked about our future, what our husbands or our children would look like and we promised our selfs that, once we have found the right guy we would come right back to this Beach with both our husbands and laugh about what we imagined them looking like. 

3. I want to finish school and work with disabled children. 

4. My dream is to spend one year over sees and I think it might actually happen soon, which is exciting. 

5. I want to see the world. I have been very lucky with my life. since I was born my parents have traveled, so I have seen quite a lot of the world. Actually it seems like a lot to me but if you think about it, it's only a tiny bit of what there is to see. 
I will never see the whole world but I would like to see what I can. 

6. I know this one is a bit weird but I would love to see my brother become a Doctor.  He is planning on becoming one and I would he the proudest little sister in the world if I can send people to him.

7. This one is random haha but I've always wanted to fly first class haha.

8. I definatley want to go on a hot air ballon once in my life. 

I'm only young so this all that I have for now but I am sure that over the years this list will grow. 

I like to live in the present. I like to enjoy things while they last and not worry about my future too much. I know that it's important but I want to enjoy it.
You're only every age once. 
I always worry too much and my motto at the moment is simply this 
Today was the tomorrow you worried about yesterday. 

Peace out enjoy life and live the adventure boom 

Amie xx

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