Dienstag, 31. März 2015

The Great Wall Of China

Today I will share my experience on the great wall of china.
About 10 days ago I visited the Great Wall. 
It was beautiful, the journey there i slept because of jet lag which I am super annoyed about.
Once we got there our teacher aloud us to go in small groups.
I went with my two friends which was awesome because we laughed a lot.
It wasn't the warmest day which I was happy about, because we walked up to the 8th tower. 
While we walked up lots of chines wanted to take pictures with us. 
I think it was because we looked european or something. 
I had a great time. 

I feel so lucky for this opportunity to see China.
What teenage girl can say, that she has seen so many different countries and continents.
Beijing is just one city I will explore in my life. 
I was scared going on the trip and staying in a chines family, but it was totally worth it.
I am grateful for all the things my parents make possible. 
I think I will leave this post here, because I can't explain how great the wall is. I think everyone needs to see it for themselves before they can imagine how big it actually is.


Donnerstag, 26. März 2015

China |Day 3

Whaasss uppp, 

I want to start this blogpost by saying what I'm writing here is my opinion on Beijing and you might have a completely different opinion and that's great. The world would be boring if we all had the same opinion. 

Today was ankther exciting day.
We visited the Temple of Heaven which is beautiful. And I wrote my name in Chinese. The air here is very different though. It's very dry and my lips are turning dry. 
For lunch we had a Chinese burger which was...interesting. We also learnt some things about the forbidden city, which we're visiting tomorrow. 
After we got home, we went out for dinner. We went to this little restaurant which was different but nice. The chairs were nearly to the ground and it was very Chinese haha. 

I will end the blogpost here because I could go on and on for hours but I'm very tired and jet lagged. 

Have a wonderful week! 


China |Day 2


Hello Guys,
My day basically starts on the airplane. 
We just ate breakfast. We had egg with Potatoe bites. 

Once we finally arrived in China a bid picked us up and took us to the first school where the family's of younger children waited to pick the younger half of our group up.
By this time I've been awake for 24 hours and I was so tired. 
Then the bus took forever to take us to the Gymnasium 177. We were welcomed very nicely and then went home with the families. 
My family is very nice. For dinner we had rice with soup. I didn't eat a lot might be because it took forever because they only had chopsticks and I don't know how to use them. 
I was so tired so I just went to bed early. 
I wanted to talk to my friends for a while put at 7pm I fell asleep, which was a big mistake. At 12pm I was awake again and couldn't sleep. Then I finally fell asleep but woke up at 4am again. 
Now I am very tired. It's 2am in the morning at home and the jet lag is kicking in. 

My first day was exciting and sleepy! 


China Day 1

Hey you, 
Yep, I've decided to so daily updates about my trip to china. It's kind of like a Vlog but a Blog. Yeah, Amie that makes so much sense...
Anyway today was the big day! 
I got up at 9:00am and showered, packed the last things and had lunch. 
At 2:00pm we all met up in Hamburg Airport. Our plane to Munich was late so we waited a long time. The flight to Munich was so relaxed. I had no pain in my ear. We also got a drink and some crackers on board. Very pleased with that Lufthansa. 
In Munich we had to rush to our connecting flight to Bejing. Once we got there we found out our plane was 1.30 hours late... Greaatttt... 
Once we got on the plane I was super happy because I was already tired and it was only 9:00pm.

We got a little snack and drink. 

About one hour after, dinner was surved. I had chicken breast with rice. 

It wasn't that bad. I also watched Paddington Bear because it's a super cute movie and who doesn't like london? Haha 

I'm still on the plane now, but my first day is technically over because it 03:00am.
I tired sleeping for a while. 
Now we're about to have breakfast surved. 

Yes, it was an exciting first day! 

I'll be super jet lagged tomorrow because china is 7 hours ahead. 

Byeee everyone talk to you tomorrow, we'll technically today! 


Donnerstag, 12. März 2015

One Year Of A Little Bit Of Amie

Hello to you, 
It‘s been one year!
I started blogging on the 15th of March 2014 because I wanted to share some of the great things I get to in such a young age.
I‘ve told you about my trips to England, Spain, Greece and soon China. There will be a lot more trips I‘m going to be blogging about.
I don‘t run this Blog because I want to be one of those popular beauty/lifestyle bloggers. I run it because I enjoy it. I enjoy writing about my life. 
This year I have some great things planned, but I can tell you next year will be our year. I‘m spending one year in Costa Rica. I‘m definitely going to Blog about it. I‘m not sure how often yet. I thought about weekly updates, but wouldn't monthly updates be more fun and then if I have something I want to tell you guys about I‘ll Blog during the month. But having one fixed post about how I feel and how my life is going, my friends, school and things like that.
Anyway that‘s next year.
I also think I should say thank you to you, yes you sitting behind your screen with the beautiful face. 
I don‘t think I would of continued this Blog if no one was reading because I would of felt weird.
This is more like a Diary than a beauty Blog. 
Do you think we can make this year even better than the last? I do. 
I‘m going to set myself a challenge for this year. I want to open up to everyone. Not just the people who find my Blog online, but also let my friends know. 

I will be on the plane on my way to China when my Blog celebrates it‘s one year.
Thats why I‘m going to post this now.

If you guys want me to talk about anything else feel free to leave a comment or tweet me. 
Thank you to everyone who has been a  part of my journey.
Here‘s for another great year.

Lots of love 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmieDirection93

Would you rather be hurt by someone you love the most or trust the most?

Good evening, 
It is very late at night but I feel blessed and loved at the moment, I feel like writing another deeper blogpost.

Would you rather be hurt by someone you love the most or trust the most?

I think this is an interesting question because everyone will have different opinions.
The feeling of loving someone is great, you feel like you have something in life and believe me, I like being loved and to love.
Trust is a strong word, I don't say it a lot because I don't trust a lot of people. I have a lot of people in my life that I love to bits, I am very lucky with my friends and family but yet I wouldn't say 'I trust you', to many.
I‘ve always believed that you need to build up friendship and you need to know someone for a  longer time before you can trust them. I have changed my opinion. There are people in my life that I have known my whole life and then there are people that I  have known for a short period of time. I recently told someone how I felt and I trusted them, I feel so much better telling someone I trust and knowing that they were listening.
I think I would be more hurt if that person would stab me straight in the back and go tell everyone what I said. 
If I‘m going through a breakup with a guy who I thought was the love of my life and I loved the most I would be hurt and disappointed. But having that one person to trust, that one person who you can tell anything and that will listen is better than 100 kisses at night. 
I don't ever want to be hurt by the person I love most but I think, that I would learn from it and I would overcome it. But being hurt by someone I trust/trusted most would tear me apart, because all that trust I built up will fall and I would break.
Just think about this for a second. When you end a call with your friend or text someone goodnight how many times do you say I love you? 
I say it quite a lot just a quick ‘love you‘ because thats what friends do.
How many times do you say ‘I trust you‘? 
I don't say it a lot I would never end a call or a text by saying bye I trust you.

I think TRUST is a big word and I don't use it a lot.
Be careful who you love but be even more careful who you trust.

Byee xx

Dienstag, 10. März 2015

Home Is Where The Heart Is

I‘m all in to deep blogging at the moment. They might be shorter posts but I think I will enjoy reading them back when I‘m older. 

Home is where the heart is. 
Where is your heart?
Where your family is?
Where you were born? 
I don‘t know, you know and thats all that counts.
My heart,
My heart is in a place that means a lot to me. 
I live here, but would I call this home? 
Who knows, I do!
Home is a special place.
It is your place and you cherish it. 
The people that mean the most to me might not be in my home but they are my home. 
Believe in yourself and before you know it you‘ll be where your heart is.
Only time will tell..
Take risks,
Live the adventure,
never ever forget to smile. 
I can't tell you to smile, he can't tell you to smile but you can.


Sonntag, 8. März 2015

First Long haul Flight Essentials

Hey Guys,
You might know, that I am flying to China on Saturday. It will be my first long haul flight. I am super nervous, I watches so many YouTube videos on what to take in my hand luggage. 11 hours on a flight is quite a long time and I‘m not sure how I feel about it yet. My brother is flying with me which calms me down a little. I don't like flying as it is so I‘m scared.

Today I thought I‘d share what I am taking on my flight. 
I am flying with Lufthansa so the onboard entertainment is pretty good.
So lets dive straight into it.

Beauty wise I just brought the things I need, I didn't want to go over the top.

-Bebe Make up remover tissues 
-Coconut island body lotion (I thought I could use this for my hands and face too)
-p2 Concealer 
-All day Mascara Essence 
-Backstage concealer brush

All the things mentioned here you can purchase in a drugstore.

I also found packed the following things and some spare clothes

All of this I put in a clear see through bag.

I thought quite long about what to wear, I wanted to be comfortable but I also didn't want to look like I‘m just going to bed.
In Marc O‘polo I found some leggings and a top which I liked a lot.
I thought the top was super cute, it says ‘I don't know where I‘m going, but I‘m going. Are you coming along?'
Originally it costs 49.90€ but it was reduced and I got it for 12.90€
If you think that was a good offer, wait until you hear this.
the leggings are a super soft materiel and looked nice.
Originally they cost 199.90€ and I got them for 19.90€
I‘m still shocked..
I will also wear my ‘Bad Hair Day‘ beanie which I bought online somewhere.
And my white Converse.

To keep me entertained I am bringing my Kindle, iPod, iPhone and I might bring my MacBook Pro but I am not sure yet because I am flying over night and I need to sleep.
Of course I will bring my m&m‘s too because I take them on every flight.

These are all the things I am planning on taking, if you think I have forgotten anything be sure to leave it down below.

I am all excited after writing this so happy traveling to you, if you‘re traveling the world, traveling to your grandma or to school.


Dienstag, 3. März 2015

Happiness Is A Choice

Hello you in front of your computer,
Before I start with this I would like to say that this Blogpost might have nothing to do with me or anyone I know, I just felt like writing this because you might be reading this thinking this could be me.
I want to talk about happiness, loneliness and life.
Recently I‘ve read a lot of Tweets, YouTube or Instagram comments. Most of them are saying that their life is so stressful, difficult and they feel lonely. 
Yes, I agree it is possible to feel lonely in a crowd of people. It is possible that you might have a difficult life.
But you can change your life by just waking up in the morning and having one little smile on your face. 
Last week I was in Barcelona and I wasn't as lucky as everyone else with my Exchange family. Of course I was sad that don't have that one girl in Spain that I can talk to and remember the things we did with her together. Once the weekend past I was with all my friends and their exchange partners again, yes I did feel awkward and out of place in a way but you don't have to. 
All the Spanish said that they have two Partners and that I am one of them. 
Even though I didn't like my exchange family I made the best out of it, I‘m sitting here now thinking that I made some great friends and I didn't even notice it. I‘m laughing about the situation I was in now and I have learnt from it. 
I would change anything because this was just another challenge that my life thought I could handle and I feel stronger as a person, I feel proud that I handled the situation.
My message I want to bring across is if you are in a bad situation, if it‘s breaking up with your boyfriend/girlfriend, getting a bad mark in school I want you to think positive. If you think it‘s going to ruin your life it will! If you think that you will learn from it you will! 
It‘ll take time for you to realise this when you are in a bad situation, it took me days too. 
I was on Skype to my friend in Spain and that‘s when I started to realise I made great friends and that I learnt from the situation I was in.
If you feel like crying, it‘s okay to cry. It‘ll make you feel better. It‘s not good building all your feelings up inside of you because one day you will explode. 
So think positive and live in the present, not in the past or in the future. You are here now and make the most of it.

“Laugh, even when you feel too sick or too worn out or tired. 
Smile, even when you're trying not to cry and the tears are blurring your vision. 
Sing, even when people stare at you and tell you your voice is crappy. 
Trust, even when your heart begs you not to. 
Twirl, even when your mind makes no sense of what you see. 
Frolick, even when you are made fun of. Kiss, even when others are watching. Sleep, even when you're afraid of what the dreams might bring. 
Run, even when it feels like you can't run any more.
And, always, remember, even when the memories pinch your heart. Because the pain of all your experience is what makes you the person you are now. And without your experience---you are an empty page, a blank notebook, a missing lyric. What makes you brave is your willingness to live through your terrible life and hold your head up high the next day. So don't live life in fear. Because you are stronger now, after all the crap has happened, than you ever were back before it started.” 
― Alysha Speer

Happiness is a choice, a choice that lies in your hands. 

byeee xx

P.s Sorry if this was a little deep and you wanted to read something more light. I just think from time to time that I want to write down what I think and this is what happens :)
Have a lovely day, smile and be Happy!