Dienstag, 10. März 2015

Home Is Where The Heart Is

I‘m all in to deep blogging at the moment. They might be shorter posts but I think I will enjoy reading them back when I‘m older. 

Home is where the heart is. 
Where is your heart?
Where your family is?
Where you were born? 
I don‘t know, you know and thats all that counts.
My heart,
My heart is in a place that means a lot to me. 
I live here, but would I call this home? 
Who knows, I do!
Home is a special place.
It is your place and you cherish it. 
The people that mean the most to me might not be in my home but they are my home. 
Believe in yourself and before you know it you‘ll be where your heart is.
Only time will tell..
Take risks,
Live the adventure,
never ever forget to smile. 
I can't tell you to smile, he can't tell you to smile but you can.


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