Donnerstag, 12. März 2015

Would you rather be hurt by someone you love the most or trust the most?

Good evening, 
It is very late at night but I feel blessed and loved at the moment, I feel like writing another deeper blogpost.

Would you rather be hurt by someone you love the most or trust the most?

I think this is an interesting question because everyone will have different opinions.
The feeling of loving someone is great, you feel like you have something in life and believe me, I like being loved and to love.
Trust is a strong word, I don't say it a lot because I don't trust a lot of people. I have a lot of people in my life that I love to bits, I am very lucky with my friends and family but yet I wouldn't say 'I trust you', to many.
I‘ve always believed that you need to build up friendship and you need to know someone for a  longer time before you can trust them. I have changed my opinion. There are people in my life that I have known my whole life and then there are people that I  have known for a short period of time. I recently told someone how I felt and I trusted them, I feel so much better telling someone I trust and knowing that they were listening.
I think I would be more hurt if that person would stab me straight in the back and go tell everyone what I said. 
If I‘m going through a breakup with a guy who I thought was the love of my life and I loved the most I would be hurt and disappointed. But having that one person to trust, that one person who you can tell anything and that will listen is better than 100 kisses at night. 
I don't ever want to be hurt by the person I love most but I think, that I would learn from it and I would overcome it. But being hurt by someone I trust/trusted most would tear me apart, because all that trust I built up will fall and I would break.
Just think about this for a second. When you end a call with your friend or text someone goodnight how many times do you say I love you? 
I say it quite a lot just a quick ‘love you‘ because thats what friends do.
How many times do you say ‘I trust you‘? 
I don't say it a lot I would never end a call or a text by saying bye I trust you.

I think TRUST is a big word and I don't use it a lot.
Be careful who you love but be even more careful who you trust.

Byee xx

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