Freitag, 27. Juni 2014

YouTube Culture

Hey you,
Today I have decided to share my thoughts on a topic that I think lots of teenagers will know about.
YouTube Culture. I have watched lots of Videos about YouTube Culture for example from Alfie (PointlessBlog), Louise (SprinkleOfGlitter) and I wanted to share my thoughts about it.
Yes I think it is perfectly okay to 'idolise' a YouTuber or a Pop Star as long as you keep in mind that you don't really know them. Lets start of with YouTubers. You might sit there Idolising a YouTuber who does Daily Vlogs and you might really love him/her but you only see 10-20 minutes out of their day. Yes of course I idolise people for example Zoe (Zoella280390) I think Zoe is teaching and has taught me so much in the past about hair, make up, healthy skin and just life in general. I idolise her for what she has achieved in life not because she is so amazingly pretty and I want to look like her. I think, like I said, she teaches me a lot and generally is just a down to earth nice young girl.
I also love family Vloggers, lets say The Shaytards. I love to watch them and seeing Shay bring up his children being happy but that doesn't mean I would do everything he does. I do Idolise what shay has achieved on Youtube it is incredible and I love his family but that doesn't mean I have to go round dressing my kids like he does when I am older. Next thing I want to talk about is 'change' I think you don't‘t have to change your image for people to notice you. You should be yourself. You don‘t have to wear all the merchandise for a YouTuber or Pop Star to love you. 
Pop stars. I wouldn't say that I idolise a Pop Star, of course I am crazy about one but that doesn't mean i think everything he does is good. For example the lads from One Direction. Yes I love them all a lot but I wouldn't do everything they do. A couple of weeks ago the news was full of Louis Tomlinson and Zayn Malik smoking joints. Okay I don't think it is good what they did and I don't Idolise that side but I do still love them. They are just young ordinary lads. I think you can Idolise a Pop star if you Idolise the side you know. Normally it is the 'clean cut' side they show online and it is perfectly fine to idolise that. But then again I wouldn't like my Kids Idolising Miley Cyrus. 
Oh my god this is such a hard topic to talk about.

Anyway this is just what I think. This doesn't mean you have to agree with me.
I wrote this Blogpost about 10 times but I‘ve never published it because it is such a hard topic to talk about. I think I have used the word Idolise a lot and it doesn't even make sense. I might not even Publish this.

Hope you are having a lovely weekend

Amie xx 

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