Donnerstag, 24. April 2014

Amy & Rodgers Epic Detour

Today Im going to tell you a bit about one of my favourite books.
Amy & Rodgers Epic Detour is about a young girl called Amy (What a surprise haha :D)  a tragedy has happened in her family, because of this tragedy that happened she is now moving. Unfortunately she isn't willing to drive at this stage and so with the help of a family friend named Rodger they end up going on this road trip across the USA together. Amy and Rodger decide to take a little Detour on the way. Rodger shows Amy how to have fun and enjoy life again. They do all crazy things together. Rodger changes Amy in a good way, she starts taking risks again and overcomes her biggest fears. Amy had her own language with Rodger they "spoke" through music.

I really loved this book not just because it is exciting and different, it also shows how one thing can change your life. And there will come a time you have to leave a person you love in life but like the book says it will be okay. Only time can heal.
The Author of the book actually took that Detour so it is kind of based on a true story.

I recommend this book to everyone who likes reading light hearted books but also likes a little Drama at some points.

Amie xx 

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